Saturday, April 10, 2010

Crawling Mouse!

It is almost like real life. I see myself in my bed at my apartment and then I suddenly feel a mouse slowly crawling up the covers. Then I wake up screaming. I am actually awake now and am freaking out because the dream was so real.

The next night I have exactly the same dream! Another mouse crawling up me. What if these aren't dreams! OMG.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I am at a charity Twins game with my friend Ian. We are in a room where everyone is waiting to have autographed baseballs fly into the room. When one comes in everyone sprints to try and grab it and then look to see which player autographed it. This goes on for awhile and I catch a bunch. One comes in and Ian manages to get it. Once he has it he looks down and realizes that it is signed by Joe Mauer and Joe Nathan! I freak out because these are my two favortie players. I spent the next 20 minutes trying to convince him that he must give me this ball. Finally he does and I am so pumped.

He gives me the ball and then we realize that it isn't just a normal baseball. It turns into a clear ball that you can look into and it is a commercial about the two players. In the commercial both players are completely naked other than a huge apple covering a certain area. They basically look like wild men from Tarzan. Joe Nathan grabs a vine and swings towards a platform. Then Joe Mauer grabs his vine and swings towards the platform. Before he gets to the platform he does a very impressive flip and then lands perfectly on the platform. Both of them are looking really good and are covered in some mud as well. As Ian and I are watching this he is like: "What the hell is going on!" I am thinking: "Oh yeah!"

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Joe Mauer

I am on a field trip with my class. We are riding the bus when suddenly two Twins players sit next to me! OMG. One is Justin Morneau and one is Joe Mauer, love of my life! I look at them and am strangely quiet. Joe just starts talking to me and I am basically in shock. He is so nice and so hot!! Oh yes! We chat about random things and then I ask one of my teacher friends to take a picture of us. She takes one and I look at it. It has all of these kids in it and you can barely see what is important, me and Joe!! So I lightly touch Joe on the back and ask if we can take another picture. He smiles and says of course. YAY!! Best dream ever!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Something strange is going on at a college campus. No one knows what is actually wrong, but all students have been evacuated from the campus. I am taken along with hundreds of random college students to a metal sewer like manhole in the middle of the ocean. Traveling by helicopter, we go down the hole to find a series of caves and tunnels where everyone lives. It is kind of like apartments underwater. Very weird!

My friend Chelsea and I are hanging around a bunch of girls. One of the "popular" girls asks us to go get her something from her room. She describes where to go and we wander through the creepy tunnels. I arrive at a very badly filled in doorway. I have this terrible feeling that it leads to trouble. Like the mystery to the college closing is right behind the dusty drywall. I desperately want to dig through, but suddenly the lights go out and I am blind folded!

I am pulled down to the main room and when our blindfolds are finally taken off, all of the girls are gathered around us in a circle. There are candles lit everywhere and all the girls are wearing red shirts. They explain that this is an ceremony to induct us into their secret sorority. They hand us these cheesy greeting cards and we are to read the front of the card to the group. I am finding it hard not to giggle, though everyone else is acting super creepy. We read our cards and then I get this bad feeling that something terrible is going to happen to everyone, but I wake up and wonder about what could have happened.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Anne Hathaway

I am Anne Hathaway and preparing to preform in a celebrity fundraiser. I am extremely nervous to sing in front of all these people. I walk up on stage and it is absolutely silent. I introduce myself and people start booing. I am mortified and confused why people are mad at me.

I start to sing and people keep booing and then start to throw objects at me. In the end I run off the stage crying. Poor Anne Hathaway!


I had a dream that was so realistic that I almost cried when I woke up. TEAR!I get off the crappy-hardly-a-train in Saltburn-by-the-Sea. I am so excited to smell the salty air and see the interesting folks who inhabit Saltburn. I run off the platform right to my old work. I am so excited to be in Doorways once again. I throw open the bright blue door and run in. I don't see anyone right away so I run to the back and look into John's office. My face lights up with a crazy smile as I half yell HI! I am so freaking excited!! John's eyes bulge and he looks so shocked to see me. We start to talk super fast and catch up and then I wake up! NO! I was so bummed.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Part A:
I am in a certain friend's apartment, lets just call him Sam. We are hanging out and he is standing in the kitchen looking at some mail. He is very quiet and has a strange look. I look at him and pull him towards me. "What's wrong Sam?" He smiles, but there is sadness in his eyes. He says: "Well screw it, I might as well tell you. I just got a letter that says I have stage 3 of some type of cancer." My heart jumps and tears are instantly at my eyes. He looks at me and smiles again. He says: "Maren I can't have your tears too." I weakly smile and while using my red blanket I go and wrap him in a blanket hug. His arms hang at his side.

Part B:
So I realize that the first part of this dream wasn't for real. Now we are going to a Twins game with his roommate too. We go to the game and have a great time. On the way home, I am driving and his roommate is in the back seat acting like a happy go lucky kid. We are getting close to their apartment and Sam turns to me and said that he had a really good time. He leans in to kiss me and then pulls away at the last second. I look at him with a funny look and he laughs, I don't want you to crash! More happens, but lets keep that a secret.