Sunday, April 27, 2008


My brother and I are hiking through the mountains in Idaho. We are walking on a ridge between two peaks and hurrying because we know that we are chased by people to take me to camp to work. We are continually looking back and don't see anyone so we think that we are in the clear, but then a plane starts rushing behind us. My brother and I move to the side to the plane pass, but as it passes us it stops and the pilot steps out. "Are you a Miss Magsam?" he asks me. I nod and he helps us both into the plane.

Back at camp I am there to work. This is a surprise to me because I thought that I was done working in the mountains, but nope! I am back and they are seriously lacking in other staff. They have minimal counselors and I know that this means that I will end up being a counselor as well. I move into Snowyside and it is one huge room. I sit on my bed and think about how I just want to live in the Biotch Pad, but nope. I am stuck in Snowyside.

Idaho Falls Day Camp

I am in Idaho Falls for day camp. This is my favorite day camp and I have done it every year, but this time I was sent to Idaho Falls, but I am doing a different day camp. I am crushed that I am not doing it with all of the other LHBC counselors. I want to be with the First Lutheran Church day camp, but I am not!

The "real" day camp decides to throw me a party to make me feel better. The party seems pretty fancy and several of my old campers are there as servers. They are all grown up and dressed up all fancy. I am definitely getting old! AH!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Secret Book

I am at the Young Adults in Global Missions Re-entry Retreat in New Mexico. We are in the desert and it is great to see everyone. At the retreat we do a lot of praise and worship type stuff and it seems that there are a lot more than just the YAGMs there. The ELCA has hidden a Secret Book in the desert and it is the goal of all the YAGMs to find the book.

Anthony and I start to look for it together. We jump into this old worn out car and blaze through the desert. While dodging sand dunes and cactus we realize we are being chased by someone. We finally lose them and pull over the car to search for the book. While searching we are wearing these protective vests (for some odd reason that I don't know). We eventually realize that Anthony's vest is much heavier than mine and feel something odd in the back. We rip open the back of the vest and the Secret Book falls out. We have found it!!! WOOT! We begin jumping up and down to celebrate and hug each other.

We make it back to the hotel and everyone is so excited that we have found the Secret Book. Everyone is congratulating us and cheering. It is pretty excited and I feel like we are celebrities. Later on Anthony and I are sitting in a room with a group of friends and this guy comes in. He says hello and says that he has a proposition for me. I sit up looking a little confused and give him the nod to proceed. He begins to outline why the two of us should start dating. Basically he is trying to "sell" himself and wants me to consider it even though I will get a lot more offers now that I have found the Secret Book. I listen and tell him that I will consider it. I guess that the Secret Book is pretty amazing and will now help me to get dates.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Maren the Missionary

I am a missionary at a post in Africa in a small rural village. I arrive by helicopter and step into the warm African air. I look around and a man who is my age (I am much older by the way) and he is gorgeous and is American. We become friends right away and I sort of adopt his two African children. We all live together in a tent trailer. I

am very happy, but want to get married. I eagerly wait for him to propose, but he is nervous about me living my life in such a dangerous country. I am ready to dive into the new culture and begin dressing in the traditional way. He sees that I am enjoying myself and learning the language, but he is still not convinced. One night the children ask him why I am not their real mom. He stumbles on his words and I say that I want to be. Finally he caves and admits that he wants this as well. We finally share our first passionate kiss and the kids are overjoyed to have a new mother.

Later we plan a trip and start counting our money which is all in silver coins that are worth a lot. The kids help count and say this is their favorite part about living in Africa. WHAT?

Gondola Accident

I am in the mountains skiing with two of my friends: Kristin and Laurie. We are having an excellent time and are riding up in an gondola. I am very excited and happy and Kristin and I begin jumping around the gondola and eventually push ourselves against the window to see the slopes below. As we do this, our combined strength pushed the window out and it falls to the snow below. Then Kristin tumbles out after very shortly followed by me!

We hit the ground and managed to not hurt ourselves. What a miracle!! We look at the window that fell out and feared that it would be shattered into a thousand pieces and we would end up paying a hefty fine, but no it wasn't broken at all. Laurie yells down to us and asks if we are ok. We yell back and then proceed to pass down all of our ski gear. Laurie climbs down and we get help to fix the gondola. What an interesting ski trip.