Thursday, October 8, 2009


Something strange is going on at a college campus. No one knows what is actually wrong, but all students have been evacuated from the campus. I am taken along with hundreds of random college students to a metal sewer like manhole in the middle of the ocean. Traveling by helicopter, we go down the hole to find a series of caves and tunnels where everyone lives. It is kind of like apartments underwater. Very weird!

My friend Chelsea and I are hanging around a bunch of girls. One of the "popular" girls asks us to go get her something from her room. She describes where to go and we wander through the creepy tunnels. I arrive at a very badly filled in doorway. I have this terrible feeling that it leads to trouble. Like the mystery to the college closing is right behind the dusty drywall. I desperately want to dig through, but suddenly the lights go out and I am blind folded!

I am pulled down to the main room and when our blindfolds are finally taken off, all of the girls are gathered around us in a circle. There are candles lit everywhere and all the girls are wearing red shirts. They explain that this is an ceremony to induct us into their secret sorority. They hand us these cheesy greeting cards and we are to read the front of the card to the group. I am finding it hard not to giggle, though everyone else is acting super creepy. We read our cards and then I get this bad feeling that something terrible is going to happen to everyone, but I wake up and wonder about what could have happened.

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