Saturday, May 31, 2008

I Have to Pee

I am home in MN and my family and I have gone to eat at Taco Bell. Not exactly my favorite place to eat, but that is ok. I really have to go to the bathroom so I leave the table and go. Inside the bathroom I realize how big it is. It is very old fashioned and nice. I enter one of the stalls and begin to shut the door only to realize that it only closes 2/3 of the way. I decide to go anyways since my bladder is bursting. I sit and try and try, but I can't go! It is such a weird feeling. I figure it is just stage fright so I pull up my pants and walk out.

I find another stall that two old women are waiting to go in. One is in a wheelchair and I rudely ask if I can go in front of them with out waiting for an answer. Inside I shut the door and sigh with relief. Finally I have some privacy. On the toilet, I sit and wait to relieve myself, but it just doesn't happen. I push and try and am just frustrated.

Then I wake up and have to pee. I go and laugh at my dream.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Going Home: Fear #1

It is the end of my year in England. I can't believe that my year is over. I am at the airport preparing to leave. I do my first check in at booth five and then somehow magically am back in my room. I see that I haven't really even packed and my flight leaves in about 40 minutes. I am panicked and don't think that I will be able to get through security and catch my flight in time. Oh no! I am not going to get back to the US. I am so screwed. The weird part of this dream was that I was only packing a small bag and not all of my belongings. It wasn't like I was leaving forever, but rather just going on a week holiday. Either way it freaked me out completely.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I am a Vampire

I am a vampire, but still a normal girl at heart. I am in school and my school wants to throw me out because they think that I am dangerous. Most of the dream takes place in my disciplinary meeting with the headmaster explaining why I should leave school. Parents are enraged that I am allowed to be with their "normal" children. I begin to break down and burst into tears. My emotions are out of control and I blurt out: "But I feel like a normal girl!" I am so hurt that the school is going to kick me out just because I am a vampire.

Later on when the meeting is over, I talk to another girl at the school. She is very curious about my vampire habits. She asks if I always have the desire to bite people. I say definitely no. I explain that I only have that urge once in awhile and I can usually control it. We continue to discuss it and I feel better about my unusual ways.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sleeping Bags and Bright

I have been watching lots of Everwood lately and last night had a dream about one of the characters, Bright Abbott. We were sleeping in the same room together on the floor in sleeping bags. I wake up and we start chatting. He pokes me and I make a fake fuss about not wanting to be touched. We laugh and then I poke him. This goes on until we are full fledged wrestling, but in our sleeping bags no doubt. We are both laughing out of control and having so much fun as he hurls his body over mine!

It's Army Time

I have joined the British Army. Yup! Who knew that I would ever be an Army Girl. I arrive for a ten week session to get in. I am nervous and not that into it. People keep telling me it will be fine. I only really remember being in my room thinking about the being here. Then I realize that I have to stay here for 10 weeks and I would miss going home. So I quit and run home. No more Army for me!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I am meeting up with a lot of other Time for God Volunteers. We are all going on a shopping trip together to buy food for the month. I usually don't come to these shopping trips because I moved out of the house that I was living in with the other four girls. Because I moved out, I have been paying for my own food, but no more.

I see the group of people and start wandering around asking who I was living with. I totally forgot and after asking several groups, found my group of girls. They looked very surprised to see me.
I told them that I wanted my share of the £70 that we get every shopping trip. I felt very awkward asking for the money, but figured that I deserve my money. They all gave me fake smiles and agreed. I knew that they were not happy with my decision to ask for my money. I figured that they should give me like £12 since that is one fifth of £70. This is obviously not the right amount because £14 is. So in this dream I am not good at math. Weird.

I begin wandering around the store looking for snacks and Coke. I find these huge containers of chocolate and mixed nuts. I take four and later decide to ditch the mixed nuts. I don't even like mixed nuts. I make all of my decisions and head to the check out.

There I see the other girls in two groups buying food. One group's total is £44 and they think that they should get more since it is their turn to buy the rat poison. I am thoroughly confused by this and watch the two groups interact. They don't seem happy with each other and I keep waiting for them to ask me to give up some of my money, which wouldn't be fair because this is the first time I have asked for money since arriving. They have been using my money for 9 months. My time at the check out seems endless and I am so nervous. Why am I nervous? I wake up before I can find out.