Monday, June 9, 2008

Sawyer and the Fraternity Attack

I am at college with Sawyer from Lost! Oh I am in love with him and it is amazing. We are friends or hopefully lovers. I am not really sure. We are walking in the evening when a group of fraternity boys jumps out and starts to chase us. I know that they are really serious because they have bats, shotguns, and other weapons. We are running for our life.

We find a huge pick up truck and I jump into it. Sawyer is in the back with a gun trying to fight off the guys that are chasing us. I drive as best I can through the rough conditions. We are no longer at the college, but in the country on a dirt road that is extremely bumpy. I drive and drive and there is a lot of gun firing going on in the background. Sawyer is yelling for me to turn around and go back, so I make a quick turn and step on it to get back.

Back close to the school, I slam on the brakes and end up having a small crash. We are both ok and jump out of the vehicle and run into the school. I am completely terrified and and sprinting through the dark corridors with tears almost running down my face. Why are these crazy boys chasing us? We didn't do a single thing to them. Is it because we aren't a part of their fraternity or is it something else? At least Sawye r is here to protect me. My thoughts distract me and suddenly we are separated. I am even more freaked out now and run into the choir room and attempt to hide. Pushed up into the side of a cupboard, I listen for the dangerous footsteps coming this way.

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