Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Clique Reunites

I have just finished an exam and am ready to board a train to get home. Just as I get on the train, I see two of my best friends: Forrest and Ian. They are part of "The Clique" from my last summer at camp. I am so excited to see them. We go back home together and as we step off the train we see Chelsea. WOOT! She is the last member of the clique. She walks ahead of us before we get a chance to yell at her, but then she sees us and runs to meet us. The Clique is reunited and we are all overjoyed.
We head to someone's apartment and lay on the orange carpet and watch a movie. I almost fall asleep and then suddenly Forrest is smothering me trying to cuddle. It felt like he was doing Forrest Weight and I just laughed and we cuddled for a bit because he is a bit of a cuddle whore. Then suddenly he pops up and says that I am not doing it right. I am like :"what?" He goes over and lays his head on Chelsea's lap in protest. I just laugh and continue to watch the movie.

Later we decide that we are going to go visit Luther College because we are in Decorah. We head over to where Freshman orientation is happening. Each of us has a white chair that is similar to the ones in my host family this year. We arrive and give our white chairs to a group of Grannies. They use spray paint and decorate them for us as a gift. Weird right?

Next we begin to head inside. A greeter comes to talk to us and I tell her that I have already graduated from Gustavus. She gives me a semi dirty look and we all rush past her to the activities inside. Once we are there we get involved in a game of charades/pictionary. Chelsea and Forrest go first and then later I go with Amy. Ian has magically transformed into Amy. I remember vividly holding the yellow paper that was a big as me as people guessed. It was definitely a good time!

1 comment:

Moby Dick said...

great friends and great fun!