Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Terrible Baby Boy Name

I am pregnant and in the hospital. It is time for the glory of childbirth. I have the baby and it is a little boy. He is so cute and I am utterly happy. My husband (I assume ha ha) decides to name the boy right then and there. He says, "And his name shall be Tadd (or something else that is equally terrible and starts with a T). I am so tired and don't say no though in my heart I hate it!

So now we have a baby, Tadd, and the only thing that I can think about is how much I hate that name. I wanted to name him Owen and now it is too late. Stupid!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not Quite Prepared

I am going skiing and am excited. In pink shorts, I gather my gear and jump on the ski train. We whiz up to the top of the mountain and I jump off. I rip open my bag of gear and start dressing, but where are my snow pants. Yup! I have forgotten them and now must ski down the mountain in shorts. I complain to my friends and think that I cannot possibly do this. If I fall, I will freeze and scrape up my legs! Still worried, I get back on the ski train and head back down. I somehow manage to find some pants and then at last am ready to ski!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Secret Agents

Kelly and I are secret agents. We are on a mission to do a drop of this package. We sprint towards our train as fast as we can. There is a 3-foot gap between the platform and the train. (Please mind the gap between the train and the platform) Kelly takes a running leap at these three feet and lands on the train which doors are shut. She is screaming and pulling and the door as the train begins to speed away. I am screaming for her to get off and she finally jumps back to the platform. Then the train stops and the doors open for us. Kelly leaps back across like it is nothing. I go up towards her and say that I can't possibly jump this far. She gives me her hand and she helps me across the gap. Then we ride on the train waiting to make our drop.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Maren the Racecar Driver

I am a racecar driver about to start a super steep mountain race. They blow the whistle and we are off. My car takes off speeding and I am excited. As I am driving up, there are other cars zooming down on a separate race. These cars make the race much harder then it already is. My car speeds up to 200 mph on the short straight aways and I slam on the breaks as the dangerous curves happen. Up and up the mountain, I get to the top and rush through the finish line. The crowd cheers and I realize that I am the winner. ME! I win! I step out and hear the applause from my victory.

As I celebrate, the younger kid race begins. My "sister" is in the race and comes in fourth. She is super excited and we continue to celebrate together.

Boxing with Ron Weasley

I am in London (which is totally possible) and I see Rupert Grint aka Ronald Weasley from Harry Potter. I go up to him with my eyes sparkling with excitement. I introduce myself and start talking. He is super smiley and nice. He talks a lot and asks me if I want to go get tea or something. We have some and then go back to his huge house.

He has a boxing ring in one part of his house so we start playing on it. He puts on these huge boxing gloves that are square. These are the things that one would normally punch into, but he is using them to play punch me. We jump around and I "train" him. We chat as the the training continues and he laughs and smiles at me a lot. He confides that I am one of the few people he actually can talk to and someone who feels like a real friend. I smile and start running around the ring. I tell him that he must chase me. He does a little bit, but I am too fast and random for him. We basically end up laughing out heads off at each other.

Training is now complete and he decides that he must shower. He starts to walk up some stairs and takes his shirt off. As he does he says well at least I know one of your secrets now. He gives me a silly smile and heads upstairs. I think that the secret is that I am in love with him. YAY for smiley redheads.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Unsteady Pack

I am leaving the TFG Mid Winter Retreat and my pack is huge. It is wavering over my head a couple of feet. I see my amazing sleeping bag at the top as it sways back and forth. I wonder if it is all going to topple to the floor or will it continue to dangerously sway back and forth. I wonder if this is how my life is: swaying dangerously back and forth.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Brown Eyed Boy

It is the end of school and all of the students (or whatever we are) are gathered together in the gym. I see across the gym a brown eyed boy. His dark brown eyes draw me in with interest. His hair is brown and a little long and shaggy in a nice way. He is shimmering with a hint of sweat from playing some type of sport. I catch his gaze and walk over.

We begin to chat and are instantly close. He is one of those people who is really easy to talk to and you know that you will instantly be friends. We continue to bond when the doctor comes over. He says that he needs to talk to the brown eyed boy soon. His voice is very concerned like he is about to deliver bad news. They brown eyed boy looks nervous and watches the doctor walk away.

My nervous eyes look towards him as I ask what is that all about. He tells me that he has a shaking problem and that is the reason we have not been friends. I look at him with a puzzled look and try to look deeper into his brown eyes for answers.

The dream continues and we spend a lot of time together. It is wonderful and a little romantic. At one point he begins complaining about himself and just putting himself down. I want to tell him how amazing he is and just kiss him, but I don't. I just stand there and let my feelings stay inside.