Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Soap Opera: Combat

I am in a raging battle where everyone is running around with huge weapons. Many people have these massive shotguns. I am running around like crazy and my team is doing very well. Suddenly things start to get messy. I have an ear piece in and my commander tell me to watch out for that girl. She has this huge shotgun. I am instructed to stay behind her. I can't move quite fast enough and she shoots me in the back.

It pierces me and I slowly fall as a shriek comes from my mouth. I start bleeding and things go a little red. My best friend falls next to me and screams even louder. She is bleeding really bad and I try to comfort her. Things are not good. My friend is fading and I am starting to as well. Then the director yells CUT. I stand up and wipe the dirt off my face. People are applauding and we walk away feeling good about the season finale to our soap opera.

I get all cleaned up and walk away with my fellow soap friends. I say that I hope that I am not being killed off because I love my job. I guess that I am a soap opera star. WOOT.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Visiting Professors

I am sitting in a hospital on the GAC campus. On the top floor, I sit in my bed peering out the window looking at Mattson Hall. I see all the young education students scurrying to class. There are my favorite professors, Jill and Mary, greeting the students and smiling their motherly smiles. I miss being there so much. As I continue to peek out around the curtains, Jill catches my eye. I quickly throw the curtains back in place and hope that she didn't see me. A knock at my door brings Jill and Mary to visit. They smile, but look very concerned. They bring tons of questions why I am in the hospital. I explain that I am not sick at all, but am simply living here temporarily. They ran out of rooms in normal dorms and have moved me here. It is quite comfortable although it is strange to be in a hospital. They smile and we chat for a while. They leave and I realize how special they are. They will always make me smile. YAY for GAC.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Skiing Fun

I am in the mountains preparing to ski. I grab my skis and take a test run to let everyone else I am with know how it is. I prepare to go and see the ski lift, which was extremely fast and scary. It comes and from behind you grab onto the seat and boost yourself over the seat to sit down. This seems impossible with skis, but then I realize this is for the tubers. So I breathe a sigh of relief.

I reach the top and begin to go down. Having not skied in over three years, I was a little shaky. I went down a steep hill and had a little trouble cutting. As I pick up speed, I almost lose it, but end up making it down to the bottom. I head inside to grab my friends and a bite to eat. The ski lodge looks very similar to Powder Ridge, where I spent many Friday nights participating in the Bethlehem Ski Club.

We get back on the slopes and I am with some friends. There are four of us including KB. We start racing down the hill and when we hit a slow spot we attack each other to try to be the first back to the lift. The fresh snow was amazing. Oh happy days!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

New Teaching Job

I have suddenly gotten a new teaching job in a 4th grade classroom, but the kids actually seemed a lot older. Several of my students knew me from dance and camp. One was a friend, Forrest, who is definitely a lot older.

In the class, I had no idea what was going on. It was the first day of school, but it didn't feel like it because the kids had projects to turn in and there was their previous teachers stuff in the classroom. I guess that the previous teacher had suddenly died and that is whom I got this job from. The whole day I was flustered. I didn't know the schedule at all and the kids were crazy. They had these bacon pamphlets to turn in and present. I had a couple of the kids go and then we stop to play a game. The kids didn't listen and the game went terribly. In general it was a very stressful day. I even forgot to let the kids go to lunch!! I hope this isn't how my real first day is when I get a job.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Personal Hot Air Balloon

A mother is here to put on a show on how to save her daughter. They light off an elaborate fireworks show to start off the saving. A huge final firework pushes her large red umbrella into the air. She flies through the air and grabs her little girl. As they come to the stopping point they cannot slow down and end up crashing into the road.

Later we got to play with flying ourselves. It was now my turn to fly. We start in this old warehouse and they light off a huge firework to send me into the skies. I hold onto my cloth hot air balloon. The hot air speeds me towards the cloth roof. I stop near the ceiling and eventually break through the roof. I start soaring through the cloudy sky. The clouds are a yellowish color. I break through the first level of clouds to enter a creepy world that is all yellow. There are flashes of lightning in the distance. I eventually come down back to normal life.

My second turn at flying and the skies are clear blue. I shoot through warehouse and break out into the clear sky. As I soar over the evergreen world, I look down to say hi to friends camping. I see Laura and let out some of my hot air to get lower. I yell hello and then soar off back into the sky. I see another friend, Bethany, and get even closer to her. I am excited to see my beloved friend and amidst my excitement I lose too much air. I fall to the ground and have to start running in order to get a little more height. My flying days are now over.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Steak at Camp

Once again my dreams bring me to camp. I set off on the overnight with a group of campers. We were given a set of steaks to prepare and later bring back to camp after they are finished. My group did not get a camp stove so we attempted to cook the steaks over a little fire. This did not work one bit. We head back to camp with basically raw steaks.

It comes time to show off our steaks in front of the whole camp. I slowly walk to the front and cut a piece of my steak. Blood squirts out and I almost start crying. All of the rest of the steaks area absolutely perfect. They cut each one and show it to the crowd. They oooh and aaaaah. Then mine comes and people wince! So I guess can't make steak. haha