Sunday, December 2, 2007

Personal Hot Air Balloon

A mother is here to put on a show on how to save her daughter. They light off an elaborate fireworks show to start off the saving. A huge final firework pushes her large red umbrella into the air. She flies through the air and grabs her little girl. As they come to the stopping point they cannot slow down and end up crashing into the road.

Later we got to play with flying ourselves. It was now my turn to fly. We start in this old warehouse and they light off a huge firework to send me into the skies. I hold onto my cloth hot air balloon. The hot air speeds me towards the cloth roof. I stop near the ceiling and eventually break through the roof. I start soaring through the cloudy sky. The clouds are a yellowish color. I break through the first level of clouds to enter a creepy world that is all yellow. There are flashes of lightning in the distance. I eventually come down back to normal life.

My second turn at flying and the skies are clear blue. I shoot through warehouse and break out into the clear sky. As I soar over the evergreen world, I look down to say hi to friends camping. I see Laura and let out some of my hot air to get lower. I yell hello and then soar off back into the sky. I see another friend, Bethany, and get even closer to her. I am excited to see my beloved friend and amidst my excitement I lose too much air. I fall to the ground and have to start running in order to get a little more height. My flying days are now over.

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