Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Star Wars

I am in Star Wars!!! This is such a dream come true for me. I am Princess Leia and with Luke Skywalker. Where is Han Solo because I want to make out with him obviously! haha So we must get to this battle station to stop some evilness from happening. We jump into our little ship, which is about the size of a ski lift gondola for two people. We are just about to press the button to take off, when an evil woman comes to destroy us. She begins to push us off of the ledge! I scream and tell Luke to do something as we quickly fall to the ground. He presses the on button and we pull up at the last second to avoid crashing into the trees!

Now we are in outer space, but our hyper drive doesn't work. (this guarantees that it is Star Wars because the hyper drive is always broken!) We are heading towards a planet that looks like Saturn. It is so beautiful and the rings are amazing. As we go we can see the death star way below us moving towards the planet we were just on. The entire Imperial Fleet is heading away from the base and we watch them all engage their hyper drives.

We pass over top the disappearing ships and finally land at the empty base. We run inside and have to split up to finish our mission. Luke heads off with his lightsaber and I grip my blaster. Suddenly I have a friend with me and we discuss what we should do. We need to get to the Death Star, but without our hyper drive, it won't be fast enough. So we decide to go and steal a ship. We run through the space station not really knowing where we are going. Then I wake up. Did we save the Rebellion? Who knows?

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