Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cave In!!

I am in a huge cave with some random friends including a crazy one named Matt. We are all just chilling and Matt is telling me some secrets and then suddenly the cave starts shaking. We all jump out of our sleeping bags and run to the mouth of the cave. The cave starts filling up with dirt and we all just watch it with strange looks on our face! As the dirt stops pouring from thin air, a sprinkle of snow comes and paints the pile of dirt snow white.

The air clears and we all stare at each other. Matt looks totally confused and I smile and say don't worry, I have a shovel that I magically pull from behind my back out of thin air. Matt has a crazy look on my face as I begin to shovel through the dirt and snow to find our possessions. I get to all of them with a satisfied look on my face as I look back at Matt. He just grins at me and says that I am insane!

Broccoli Phone

I have gone 0n vacation and am in a National Park surrounding by beautiful green trees. As I hike through the park I get a phone call. I reach into my purse and pull out my phone which is in the form of a huge piece of broccoli! I start talking on the broccoli phone and it is my mom, but the volume is way too soft. I am unable to adjust the volume because I transformed the phone and couldn't transform it back while I was still on the phone. WEIRD!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Uneven Cabins

I am in the mountains on a ski trip with a youth group (I think). We arrive at our cabins and go inside. The cabins are way up on the side of the mountain and as we walk in, the cabin begins to sway like a teeter totter. Down and then up when we rush back to the middle to stop the cabin from falling. I am fairly nervous and choose a bed right in the middle of the cabin to save myself.

Later on in the day, we are down the mountain looking up at our cabins. They begin to shift and then start tumbling down the side of the mountain. Michael, from Lost, pulls out a strange metallic device that looks similar to a sling shot. He points the device and the falling cabins and they stop in mid fall. Then he directs them back to their original positions and sets them down firmly as he continues to gesture. We are all wide eyed and freaked out. Ben, also from Lost, looks at Michael and with daggers jumping out of his eyes he screams: "Why have you not told me about this before."

I am quite scared and start walking away from the strange men and the metallic device. I must think about Lost a lot because this is like my 3rd dream about it. Strange right?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Clique Reunites

I have just finished an exam and am ready to board a train to get home. Just as I get on the train, I see two of my best friends: Forrest and Ian. They are part of "The Clique" from my last summer at camp. I am so excited to see them. We go back home together and as we step off the train we see Chelsea. WOOT! She is the last member of the clique. She walks ahead of us before we get a chance to yell at her, but then she sees us and runs to meet us. The Clique is reunited and we are all overjoyed.
We head to someone's apartment and lay on the orange carpet and watch a movie. I almost fall asleep and then suddenly Forrest is smothering me trying to cuddle. It felt like he was doing Forrest Weight and I just laughed and we cuddled for a bit because he is a bit of a cuddle whore. Then suddenly he pops up and says that I am not doing it right. I am like :"what?" He goes over and lays his head on Chelsea's lap in protest. I just laugh and continue to watch the movie.

Later we decide that we are going to go visit Luther College because we are in Decorah. We head over to where Freshman orientation is happening. Each of us has a white chair that is similar to the ones in my host family this year. We arrive and give our white chairs to a group of Grannies. They use spray paint and decorate them for us as a gift. Weird right?

Next we begin to head inside. A greeter comes to talk to us and I tell her that I have already graduated from Gustavus. She gives me a semi dirty look and we all rush past her to the activities inside. Once we are there we get involved in a game of charades/pictionary. Chelsea and Forrest go first and then later I go with Amy. Ian has magically transformed into Amy. I remember vividly holding the yellow paper that was a big as me as people guessed. It was definitely a good time!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sawyer and the Fraternity Attack

I am at college with Sawyer from Lost! Oh I am in love with him and it is amazing. We are friends or hopefully lovers. I am not really sure. We are walking in the evening when a group of fraternity boys jumps out and starts to chase us. I know that they are really serious because they have bats, shotguns, and other weapons. We are running for our life.

We find a huge pick up truck and I jump into it. Sawyer is in the back with a gun trying to fight off the guys that are chasing us. I drive as best I can through the rough conditions. We are no longer at the college, but in the country on a dirt road that is extremely bumpy. I drive and drive and there is a lot of gun firing going on in the background. Sawyer is yelling for me to turn around and go back, so I make a quick turn and step on it to get back.

Back close to the school, I slam on the brakes and end up having a small crash. We are both ok and jump out of the vehicle and run into the school. I am completely terrified and and sprinting through the dark corridors with tears almost running down my face. Why are these crazy boys chasing us? We didn't do a single thing to them. Is it because we aren't a part of their fraternity or is it something else? At least Sawye r is here to protect me. My thoughts distract me and suddenly we are separated. I am even more freaked out now and run into the choir room and attempt to hide. Pushed up into the side of a cupboard, I listen for the dangerous footsteps coming this way.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

I Have to Pee

I am home in MN and my family and I have gone to eat at Taco Bell. Not exactly my favorite place to eat, but that is ok. I really have to go to the bathroom so I leave the table and go. Inside the bathroom I realize how big it is. It is very old fashioned and nice. I enter one of the stalls and begin to shut the door only to realize that it only closes 2/3 of the way. I decide to go anyways since my bladder is bursting. I sit and try and try, but I can't go! It is such a weird feeling. I figure it is just stage fright so I pull up my pants and walk out.

I find another stall that two old women are waiting to go in. One is in a wheelchair and I rudely ask if I can go in front of them with out waiting for an answer. Inside I shut the door and sigh with relief. Finally I have some privacy. On the toilet, I sit and wait to relieve myself, but it just doesn't happen. I push and try and am just frustrated.

Then I wake up and have to pee. I go and laugh at my dream.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Going Home: Fear #1

It is the end of my year in England. I can't believe that my year is over. I am at the airport preparing to leave. I do my first check in at booth five and then somehow magically am back in my room. I see that I haven't really even packed and my flight leaves in about 40 minutes. I am panicked and don't think that I will be able to get through security and catch my flight in time. Oh no! I am not going to get back to the US. I am so screwed. The weird part of this dream was that I was only packing a small bag and not all of my belongings. It wasn't like I was leaving forever, but rather just going on a week holiday. Either way it freaked me out completely.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I am a Vampire

I am a vampire, but still a normal girl at heart. I am in school and my school wants to throw me out because they think that I am dangerous. Most of the dream takes place in my disciplinary meeting with the headmaster explaining why I should leave school. Parents are enraged that I am allowed to be with their "normal" children. I begin to break down and burst into tears. My emotions are out of control and I blurt out: "But I feel like a normal girl!" I am so hurt that the school is going to kick me out just because I am a vampire.

Later on when the meeting is over, I talk to another girl at the school. She is very curious about my vampire habits. She asks if I always have the desire to bite people. I say definitely no. I explain that I only have that urge once in awhile and I can usually control it. We continue to discuss it and I feel better about my unusual ways.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sleeping Bags and Bright

I have been watching lots of Everwood lately and last night had a dream about one of the characters, Bright Abbott. We were sleeping in the same room together on the floor in sleeping bags. I wake up and we start chatting. He pokes me and I make a fake fuss about not wanting to be touched. We laugh and then I poke him. This goes on until we are full fledged wrestling, but in our sleeping bags no doubt. We are both laughing out of control and having so much fun as he hurls his body over mine!

It's Army Time

I have joined the British Army. Yup! Who knew that I would ever be an Army Girl. I arrive for a ten week session to get in. I am nervous and not that into it. People keep telling me it will be fine. I only really remember being in my room thinking about the being here. Then I realize that I have to stay here for 10 weeks and I would miss going home. So I quit and run home. No more Army for me!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I am meeting up with a lot of other Time for God Volunteers. We are all going on a shopping trip together to buy food for the month. I usually don't come to these shopping trips because I moved out of the house that I was living in with the other four girls. Because I moved out, I have been paying for my own food, but no more.

I see the group of people and start wandering around asking who I was living with. I totally forgot and after asking several groups, found my group of girls. They looked very surprised to see me.
I told them that I wanted my share of the £70 that we get every shopping trip. I felt very awkward asking for the money, but figured that I deserve my money. They all gave me fake smiles and agreed. I knew that they were not happy with my decision to ask for my money. I figured that they should give me like £12 since that is one fifth of £70. This is obviously not the right amount because £14 is. So in this dream I am not good at math. Weird.

I begin wandering around the store looking for snacks and Coke. I find these huge containers of chocolate and mixed nuts. I take four and later decide to ditch the mixed nuts. I don't even like mixed nuts. I make all of my decisions and head to the check out.

There I see the other girls in two groups buying food. One group's total is £44 and they think that they should get more since it is their turn to buy the rat poison. I am thoroughly confused by this and watch the two groups interact. They don't seem happy with each other and I keep waiting for them to ask me to give up some of my money, which wouldn't be fair because this is the first time I have asked for money since arriving. They have been using my money for 9 months. My time at the check out seems endless and I am so nervous. Why am I nervous? I wake up before I can find out.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


My brother and I are hiking through the mountains in Idaho. We are walking on a ridge between two peaks and hurrying because we know that we are chased by people to take me to camp to work. We are continually looking back and don't see anyone so we think that we are in the clear, but then a plane starts rushing behind us. My brother and I move to the side to the plane pass, but as it passes us it stops and the pilot steps out. "Are you a Miss Magsam?" he asks me. I nod and he helps us both into the plane.

Back at camp I am there to work. This is a surprise to me because I thought that I was done working in the mountains, but nope! I am back and they are seriously lacking in other staff. They have minimal counselors and I know that this means that I will end up being a counselor as well. I move into Snowyside and it is one huge room. I sit on my bed and think about how I just want to live in the Biotch Pad, but nope. I am stuck in Snowyside.

Idaho Falls Day Camp

I am in Idaho Falls for day camp. This is my favorite day camp and I have done it every year, but this time I was sent to Idaho Falls, but I am doing a different day camp. I am crushed that I am not doing it with all of the other LHBC counselors. I want to be with the First Lutheran Church day camp, but I am not!

The "real" day camp decides to throw me a party to make me feel better. The party seems pretty fancy and several of my old campers are there as servers. They are all grown up and dressed up all fancy. I am definitely getting old! AH!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Secret Book

I am at the Young Adults in Global Missions Re-entry Retreat in New Mexico. We are in the desert and it is great to see everyone. At the retreat we do a lot of praise and worship type stuff and it seems that there are a lot more than just the YAGMs there. The ELCA has hidden a Secret Book in the desert and it is the goal of all the YAGMs to find the book.

Anthony and I start to look for it together. We jump into this old worn out car and blaze through the desert. While dodging sand dunes and cactus we realize we are being chased by someone. We finally lose them and pull over the car to search for the book. While searching we are wearing these protective vests (for some odd reason that I don't know). We eventually realize that Anthony's vest is much heavier than mine and feel something odd in the back. We rip open the back of the vest and the Secret Book falls out. We have found it!!! WOOT! We begin jumping up and down to celebrate and hug each other.

We make it back to the hotel and everyone is so excited that we have found the Secret Book. Everyone is congratulating us and cheering. It is pretty excited and I feel like we are celebrities. Later on Anthony and I are sitting in a room with a group of friends and this guy comes in. He says hello and says that he has a proposition for me. I sit up looking a little confused and give him the nod to proceed. He begins to outline why the two of us should start dating. Basically he is trying to "sell" himself and wants me to consider it even though I will get a lot more offers now that I have found the Secret Book. I listen and tell him that I will consider it. I guess that the Secret Book is pretty amazing and will now help me to get dates.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Maren the Missionary

I am a missionary at a post in Africa in a small rural village. I arrive by helicopter and step into the warm African air. I look around and a man who is my age (I am much older by the way) and he is gorgeous and is American. We become friends right away and I sort of adopt his two African children. We all live together in a tent trailer. I

am very happy, but want to get married. I eagerly wait for him to propose, but he is nervous about me living my life in such a dangerous country. I am ready to dive into the new culture and begin dressing in the traditional way. He sees that I am enjoying myself and learning the language, but he is still not convinced. One night the children ask him why I am not their real mom. He stumbles on his words and I say that I want to be. Finally he caves and admits that he wants this as well. We finally share our first passionate kiss and the kids are overjoyed to have a new mother.

Later we plan a trip and start counting our money which is all in silver coins that are worth a lot. The kids help count and say this is their favorite part about living in Africa. WHAT?

Gondola Accident

I am in the mountains skiing with two of my friends: Kristin and Laurie. We are having an excellent time and are riding up in an gondola. I am very excited and happy and Kristin and I begin jumping around the gondola and eventually push ourselves against the window to see the slopes below. As we do this, our combined strength pushed the window out and it falls to the snow below. Then Kristin tumbles out after very shortly followed by me!

We hit the ground and managed to not hurt ourselves. What a miracle!! We look at the window that fell out and feared that it would be shattered into a thousand pieces and we would end up paying a hefty fine, but no it wasn't broken at all. Laurie yells down to us and asks if we are ok. We yell back and then proceed to pass down all of our ski gear. Laurie climbs down and we get help to fix the gondola. What an interesting ski trip.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Freak Out

I am in London ready to go to Salzburg for the Sound of Music Pilgrimage! I am so freaking excited because is finally here, when I suddenly start to have a panic attack. OMG! I have forgotten my passport! What am I supposed to do. It is a 4 hour train ride back to Saltburn and I will miss the plane if I do that. OH crap. I am so screwed. I can no longer go on the trip. Besides my passport, I have forgotten Kristin's different plugs and the vouchers for the Sound of Music Tour. Basically I am a failure for this trip. CRAP!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Magsam Family Camping Trip

I am at the annual Magsam Family Camping Trip. This is the first time that I have gone in four years and I am so excited to be there. I see some of my family and they are so excited that I am there. My aunt Joy, gives me a huge hug and tells me how great it is that I am here. I am filled up with joy and am so grateful to have a wonderful family.

We are camping at a place where there is a huge long sandy beach. I step up on this hill that looks over the beach and see my family by our old little fishing boat. I ask if I can take it out for a spin by myself. My mom is a little hesitant, but decides it will be ok.

I start driving the boat through the shallow waters near the beach. There are tons of people and I am constantly dodging them. Good thing that my boat driving skills are top notch. At one point, I stop and the boat swings around completely to avoid a little kid swimming.
My parents join me in the boat, and we take a little trip over to a nearby cove.

In that cove, there is this strange family that is dresses very conservatively and they all look alike. Their clothes are the same color and they are all very hairy (including the women). It seems to me that they are Mormon or Polygamists. They are by the lake fully dresses and showing no skin. Here I am in my revealing swimsuit. My parents jump out and I start dancing around and singing suggestive/crazy songs.
Then the boat starts to fill up with water. I jump out and my mom decides that she is going to jump into the boat from the shore. It is way too far away and I know that she is going to miss it, but I decide to just watch her. She starts counting and then jumps. Missing the boat by feet she splashes into the water. I laugh and jolt back to waking life.

Monday, March 10, 2008


I am in a twisted version of Lost. There are four of us together and we are going to recreate the conditions of the crash in order to disorient some of the other passengers. We set up all this gear to create a hurricane out side. We use these bright electric yellow pumps and with thirty seconds run into a room that is my old youth room at Bethlehem Lutheran church and use a different pump to put anti-hurricane agents into the room to keep us safe. The winds start to churn and scream as we run into this little room. With only seconds left we use the pump and save ourselves.

The winds rage outside and through the windows we watch the destruction unfold. Being in this room is quite unnerving because it seems that we should be getting destroyed like everything else. I don't trust our new technology and just want the storm to be over.

The storm is finally done and we head outside to see the nose of the plane shrewed across the lawn. Our plan has unfolded perfectly and now we can continue on our journey.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Long Black Hair

I am talking to Vanessa about my experience this year in England. We stand there she is working on my hair. We begin to talk about my roommate and I start telling her about my old roommate Kelli. Then somehow I jump into talking about my friend Sangya. As we chat I realize that I have Sangya's hair. It is the same color and length. It is hers! Vanessa uses masking tape to hold my hair back out of my face as we chat. WEIRD!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Imaginary Frogs & White River Tenting

I am camping out in the wilderness with a group of friends. It is nighttime and we are all exhausted. So we set up our tent and get inside to go to sleep. Before we fall fast asleep, the leader warns us that we are sleeping on pebbles so watch out for we all know what could happen. I am confused and freaked out. My mind starts to play tricks on me and instead of seeing the tent as it is, I see and inch of space between the floor and the rest of the tent. As I stare out into the darkness, I hear frogs and snakes shuffling around. A huge frog jumps into the dark tent and I hear it. I grab it with my hands and scream as it struggles to get into my sleeping bag. No one else seems bothered and the frog wins and gets into my sleeping bag. I am so grossed out as I feel the slimy frog against my cold skin.

Then I have a revelation. We are in a tent and there are no holes where frogs or snakes can get in! The frog and inch hole around the base of the tent instantly disappear and I breathe a sigh of relief as I fall asleep.

Now it is morning and our tent begins to slide on the rocks. Everyone is still in the tent and we roll right down the pebble bank into the raging river full of rapids. The tent acts as a boat and begins to proceed down the rough river. We stay afloat and little splashes of water jump inside as we steer around the rocks and rapids. We slow down and come to a dock where we all unload except for my friend and me. A huge burst of wind comes away and we get blown down stream towards the rougher rapids. The tent is taking on water and in front of us is a huge slab of rock. We storm to the rock and crash straight into it. The tent gets pushed up and water begins to flow in rapidly. We scream and our friends look towards us with worry. The leader takes out a remote and presses a button that closes off the river with a fence. We sigh in relief and float back to the dock wet, but very happy!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Dark Wet Night

It is night time and I am preparing for a night canoe trip with high school friends. There are tons of my old classmates and it almost feelings like a reunion. As I walk along the waterfront, I slip in. The cold icy water attacks my body and I scream as the current pulls me away from the edge of the water. Suddenly I stop and grab the cement barrier to pull myself up out of the freezing cold water. I get out and am shivering completely. Still wanting to go on this canoe ride, I try to figure out how I could get some dry clothes. IAN! He lives really close to here and definitely will be able to help.
I give him a call and he almost hangs up on my because he is in the Rainbow Room (who knows what that is). I explain how I fell in the water and am freezing and just need some dry clothes. He says that he can't come and let me in, but he will tell his neighbor to let me in. I am so thankful and run off to fetch my dry clothes.

I travel across this huge bridge that arcs towards the ski. I can see all of the city from here and it is so beautiful. Then I wake up!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Red Umbrellas at Buckingham Palace

I have made it to see the Changing of the Guards. Everyone in the crowd has these huge red and white umbrellas. It isn't raining, but the bright umbrellas are in the air. It is time for the Changing of the Guards to begin. Buckingham Palace is looking a little different. There are no gates and we are up close and personal with the guards.
As we stand on the green grass, the guards start to march and everyone begins to bob their umbrellas up and down in the air almost in unison with the marching. It is quite bizarre, but fun.

Changing of the Guards

I am in London and at Westminster Abbey. I am with my friend and we are preparing to go to see the Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace. My friend is supposed to be Amy, but is actually Kristin. Weird huh? The service finishes and we are about to rush to see it. As we walk out of the Abbey, my friend’s parents decide that they want to go to another church instead of going to see the Changing of the Guards. I am not happy about this!!! I really want to see the guards with their silly hats, but now it won't happen.

I reluctantly go along and join the choir at this church. We practice and I am not into it at all. Kristin and I are mad and decide to just leave the service so we can rush to see the Changing of the Guards. With five minutes until it starts we rush out of the church and start running towards Buckingham Palace. I am completely out of breath and this run seems to take forever. We finally arrive and it is all over. We have completely missed it and are utterly disappointed!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Star Wars

I am in Star Wars!!! This is such a dream come true for me. I am Princess Leia and with Luke Skywalker. Where is Han Solo because I want to make out with him obviously! haha So we must get to this battle station to stop some evilness from happening. We jump into our little ship, which is about the size of a ski lift gondola for two people. We are just about to press the button to take off, when an evil woman comes to destroy us. She begins to push us off of the ledge! I scream and tell Luke to do something as we quickly fall to the ground. He presses the on button and we pull up at the last second to avoid crashing into the trees!

Now we are in outer space, but our hyper drive doesn't work. (this guarantees that it is Star Wars because the hyper drive is always broken!) We are heading towards a planet that looks like Saturn. It is so beautiful and the rings are amazing. As we go we can see the death star way below us moving towards the planet we were just on. The entire Imperial Fleet is heading away from the base and we watch them all engage their hyper drives.

We pass over top the disappearing ships and finally land at the empty base. We run inside and have to split up to finish our mission. Luke heads off with his lightsaber and I grip my blaster. Suddenly I have a friend with me and we discuss what we should do. We need to get to the Death Star, but without our hyper drive, it won't be fast enough. So we decide to go and steal a ship. We run through the space station not really knowing where we are going. Then I wake up. Did we save the Rebellion? Who knows?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sound of Music Tour Denied

Kristin and I have made it to Salzberg. It is so beatiful and amazing! The weather is perfect and even warm. I am wearing jeans and my long sleeve blue shirt and I am a little hot. It is so perfect we think. As we walk around Salzberg, we see the Abbey from the Sound of Music and are so pumped. I have some issues with my camera and cannot hold steady to get a picture. Oh well, it is just one place and I will just get a picture later.
We arrive at the building where you buy tickets for the Original Sound of Music Tour. There are posters everywhere and we don't know where you buy them. Finally we ask someone and they tell us that they are completely sold out. We ask about tomorrow and it is the same. They tell us they are all sold out for the next week. NO! We have come all this way and cannot go on the one tour that we want to. DUMB!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Not Packed for England

It is the day I set off for England. I arrive at the airport with only my small backpack. As I am waiting in line, I see several of my freinds. They all have tons of luggage. I walk up to them and we start chatting. One of them notices that I only have a small backpack. "So Maren, is that all your are bringing to England?" I suddenly realize that I have forgotten to pack for England! How could this happen? I start freaking out and tell my parents (which actually appear as my host parents in England) that I need to go home to pack. They are like ok lets get going. We head home and I have very limited time to start packing. I grab my pack and just start throwing clothes into it. The time rushes by and my mom yells that we need to go otherwise I will miss my flight! Panic has taken control and the packing is just not getting done. STRESSFUL! I end up pulling some clothes together and getting to the airport on time, but I am having a panic attack and not excited for England at all.

Monday, February 4, 2008

White Cross

In my dream, I wake up with the image of a white cross in my mind. There is this sense of urgency for me to draw or paint this white cross right away. I don't know why it is necessary for me to do this, but it seems almost like a life or death situation. So I draw a white cross and get on with the day.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Terrible Baby Boy Name

I am pregnant and in the hospital. It is time for the glory of childbirth. I have the baby and it is a little boy. He is so cute and I am utterly happy. My husband (I assume ha ha) decides to name the boy right then and there. He says, "And his name shall be Tadd (or something else that is equally terrible and starts with a T). I am so tired and don't say no though in my heart I hate it!

So now we have a baby, Tadd, and the only thing that I can think about is how much I hate that name. I wanted to name him Owen and now it is too late. Stupid!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not Quite Prepared

I am going skiing and am excited. In pink shorts, I gather my gear and jump on the ski train. We whiz up to the top of the mountain and I jump off. I rip open my bag of gear and start dressing, but where are my snow pants. Yup! I have forgotten them and now must ski down the mountain in shorts. I complain to my friends and think that I cannot possibly do this. If I fall, I will freeze and scrape up my legs! Still worried, I get back on the ski train and head back down. I somehow manage to find some pants and then at last am ready to ski!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Secret Agents

Kelly and I are secret agents. We are on a mission to do a drop of this package. We sprint towards our train as fast as we can. There is a 3-foot gap between the platform and the train. (Please mind the gap between the train and the platform) Kelly takes a running leap at these three feet and lands on the train which doors are shut. She is screaming and pulling and the door as the train begins to speed away. I am screaming for her to get off and she finally jumps back to the platform. Then the train stops and the doors open for us. Kelly leaps back across like it is nothing. I go up towards her and say that I can't possibly jump this far. She gives me her hand and she helps me across the gap. Then we ride on the train waiting to make our drop.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Maren the Racecar Driver

I am a racecar driver about to start a super steep mountain race. They blow the whistle and we are off. My car takes off speeding and I am excited. As I am driving up, there are other cars zooming down on a separate race. These cars make the race much harder then it already is. My car speeds up to 200 mph on the short straight aways and I slam on the breaks as the dangerous curves happen. Up and up the mountain, I get to the top and rush through the finish line. The crowd cheers and I realize that I am the winner. ME! I win! I step out and hear the applause from my victory.

As I celebrate, the younger kid race begins. My "sister" is in the race and comes in fourth. She is super excited and we continue to celebrate together.

Boxing with Ron Weasley

I am in London (which is totally possible) and I see Rupert Grint aka Ronald Weasley from Harry Potter. I go up to him with my eyes sparkling with excitement. I introduce myself and start talking. He is super smiley and nice. He talks a lot and asks me if I want to go get tea or something. We have some and then go back to his huge house.

He has a boxing ring in one part of his house so we start playing on it. He puts on these huge boxing gloves that are square. These are the things that one would normally punch into, but he is using them to play punch me. We jump around and I "train" him. We chat as the the training continues and he laughs and smiles at me a lot. He confides that I am one of the few people he actually can talk to and someone who feels like a real friend. I smile and start running around the ring. I tell him that he must chase me. He does a little bit, but I am too fast and random for him. We basically end up laughing out heads off at each other.

Training is now complete and he decides that he must shower. He starts to walk up some stairs and takes his shirt off. As he does he says well at least I know one of your secrets now. He gives me a silly smile and heads upstairs. I think that the secret is that I am in love with him. YAY for smiley redheads.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Unsteady Pack

I am leaving the TFG Mid Winter Retreat and my pack is huge. It is wavering over my head a couple of feet. I see my amazing sleeping bag at the top as it sways back and forth. I wonder if it is all going to topple to the floor or will it continue to dangerously sway back and forth. I wonder if this is how my life is: swaying dangerously back and forth.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Brown Eyed Boy

It is the end of school and all of the students (or whatever we are) are gathered together in the gym. I see across the gym a brown eyed boy. His dark brown eyes draw me in with interest. His hair is brown and a little long and shaggy in a nice way. He is shimmering with a hint of sweat from playing some type of sport. I catch his gaze and walk over.

We begin to chat and are instantly close. He is one of those people who is really easy to talk to and you know that you will instantly be friends. We continue to bond when the doctor comes over. He says that he needs to talk to the brown eyed boy soon. His voice is very concerned like he is about to deliver bad news. They brown eyed boy looks nervous and watches the doctor walk away.

My nervous eyes look towards him as I ask what is that all about. He tells me that he has a shaking problem and that is the reason we have not been friends. I look at him with a puzzled look and try to look deeper into his brown eyes for answers.

The dream continues and we spend a lot of time together. It is wonderful and a little romantic. At one point he begins complaining about himself and just putting himself down. I want to tell him how amazing he is and just kiss him, but I don't. I just stand there and let my feelings stay inside.